Multiple Injuries Following Suspected DUI Crash in Philadelphia

Police are investigating whether the driver of a vehicle that struck multiple pedestrians and crashed into another car in Center City was under the influence of drugs at the time of the incident. Read on for details on the accident, and contact a talented Philadelphia car accident attorney if you or a loved one has been hurt in a DUI crash or other traffic accident in Chestnut Hill or throughout Philadelphia.
DUI suspect injures at least seven people in reckless crash
A 68-year-old man was driving a black Dodge Challenger heading southbound on 10th Street in Center City on a recent Friday afternoon when he lost control of the vehicle. The Dodge jumped the curb and hit three pedestrians walking on the sidewalk. The driver then careened across Sansom Street and smashed into a blue Nissan Rogue SUV carrying a family of three. The incident occurred just outside of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital at around 4:00 p.m.
Hospital staff rushed outside to help the victims of the accident. The three pedestrians, aged 64, 51, and 39, were taken to Jefferson Hospital in critical condition. According to the hospital, the three occupants of the Nissan–a 31-year-old man, a 56-year-old man, and a 75-year-old woman–were being treated but were in fair condition following the accident.
The driver of the Challenger was also reportedly in stable condition following the incident. Philadelphia’s Police Chief Inspector stated that the driver who caused the crash may have lost consciousness from misusing medical marijuana at the time of the incident. Officials are seeking a search warrant to draw blood from the driver in order to determine his toxicity levels. If he is found to be over the legal limit of medical marijuana or under the influence of any other substance, he may be charged with aggravated assault by vehicle. He is also open to civil lawsuits by the victims of the accident. If the driver is found to have been under the influence of drugs at the time of the accident, he may be subject to punitive damages.
Call Benedum Law After a Pennsylvania Personal Injury Accident
For help getting the compensation you need and deserve after a Philadelphia drunk or drugged driving accident, or further help in calculating a settlement value for your traffic accident or other personal injury, contact Benedum Law in Chestnut Hill at 215-529-7848 for a free consultation.