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Philadelphia Sexual Assault Lawyer

Sexual abuse and sexual assault are, unfortunately, much more common than any of us would like to realize. One out of every six women in the United States will experience an assault or attempted assault in her lifetime.   The majority of victims are women and, in particular, women between the ages of 12-34.

Criminal prosecution can punish perpetrators and, ideally, prevent future assaults, but it is not always sufficient to help the victim recover from the emotional and physical toll caused by the assault. Moreover, the most direct evidence in a sexual assault or abuse case is often the testimony of the victim, forcing the jury to decide whether they believe the victim or the alleged perpetrator. Carrying the extremely high burden of proof in a criminal case may be difficult. Civil cases, on the other hand, have a more achievable standard of proof and can incorporate forms of relief that both hold the perpetrator and other responsible parties liable as well as provide resources for victims not available in criminal court. Civil claims can be brought whether or not the state chooses to prosecute the alleged attacker criminally.

Benedum Law is ready to help victims of sexual assault seek vindication. We will fight for justice on your behalf against your attacker, make sure all negligent parties are held responsible, and help you collect the financial damages necessary to recover fully. Contact a dedicated and compassionate Philadelphia civil sexual assault attorney at Benedum Law to discuss your civil assault case and determine how to proceed.

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault refers to any form of sexual contact that occurs without the explicit consent of the victim. Sexual assault or abuse includes: any fondling or unwanted touching; attempted rape; forcing a victim to perform sexual acts including oral sex or penetration of the perpetrator’s body; and any penetration of the victim’s body, which is also known as rape.

Common forms of sexual assault include groping or fondling, unwanted sexual touching, exposure, coerced sexual contact by way of force or threat, statutory rape or child molestation, sexual harassment, or non-consensual sexual contact including inducement by way of alcohol or drugs. If the victim is underage, molestation can also include verbal or emotional abuse, taking lewd pictures or showing the child pornography, spying during the child’s private moments, as well as any form of sexual contact.

Evidence in Sexual Assault Claims

In addition to eyewitness testimony, videos, or other direct evidence, Benedum Law can help you gather the evidence necessary to bolster your civil sexual assault claim. Your claim can be improved with:

  • Police reports detailing the assault
  • Medical records showing the signs of assault and any harm caused
  • Admissions of guilt or remorse by the perpetrator
  • Financial statements or other documentation showing how much the assault has cost you

The personal injury attorneys at Benedum Law will work to ensure that your claim is as strong as possible so that you are fully compensated for your harm and that the offender is held responsible for their actions.

Third-Party Liability: Negligent Security

The perpetrator is not the only party that may be held responsible if you are the victim of a crime. Property owners have a responsibility to implement and maintain security measures sufficient to protect their lawful visitors. Appropriate measures may include hiring a security guard, installing security cameras, keeping private areas gated or locked, as well as monitoring and maintaining the standards of any of these security measures.

If you were attacked in a parking garage, in an apartment building, on a private island, in a government building, or otherwise in an area owned and maintained by a person or entity, you may have a claim against that party. The personal injury attorneys at Benedum Law are well-versed in investigating claims based on negligent security. We know what to look for in order to determine if a property owner’s negligence increased the risk that you would be the victim of a crime, and we are prepared to hold them liable for their negligence.


For seasoned, passionate, and effective representation in Philadelphia civil sexual assault cases, call the Chestnut Hill law office of Benedum Law at 215-529-7848 for a no-cost, confidential consultation with a zealous and successful Pennsylvania personal injury attorney.

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